Monday, September 20, 2010

Soccer Season is upon us

So it is that time of the year again for the girls to begin there quest of 2 1/2 months worth of Saturday soccer games. This year is a lot different from the last couple of years from playing soccer. For one Richard is coaching Rebecca's team, we have Emily now cheering from the sidelines, and Sara is playing a lot more in her games. But with all the said I have been looking forward to soccer season for awhile. That is really different for me to say since I am a volleyball girl at heart, but I have come to embrace soccer and appericate the sport. I'm in it for the long haul or for as long as the girls will want to play.
Emily having fun at practice.
Sara loves to take pictures of her.
She is easily entertain with the
extra cones and balls that
we bring to practice.

Richard hard at work with
Rebecca's team. Rebecca is #3
This was at half time of their 1st game.

This is Sara being the Captain and
Goalie for her team for the 1st game.

So all is left to say is that let the season begin. Good luck to the Fireside Girls (Rebecca's Team) and Good Luck to the Precious Diamonds (Sara's Team). And may the weather be good to us this season!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love love the picture of Emily!! How fun for you guys!It's a family sport now!!
