Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of School

Today was the 1st day of school. This is the start to my vacation. LOL!! But seriously, the girls couldn't have been more excited and nervous all in one. Sara and Rebecca have been ready to go back to school since the beginning of August. They have had ther backpack packed since then. I guess I'm lucky to have kids who like to go to school.

Sara sarted 6th grade. Probably doesn't sound that exciting, except she started 6th grade in MIDDLE SCHOOL!! AHHHH! I must be getting old. I can't believe my baby girl is already in middle school.

Rebecca begin 1st grade. OMGosh. I was not ready for her start 1st grade. She was the most nervous. She started to not feel well last night, but I kept reassuring her that she is a big girl on campus now and that she got to play on the big kids playground alot. After the school day was done she had a blast. Loves her teacher, and has a few friends in her class from last year, even her "boyfriend" Austin Donohoo.                    


I even couldn't resist to see how excited Emily was that she could finally have some peace and quiet during the day to be able to play with her toys and not be picked up all the time. This is what her reaction was:

I am so glad today was a GREAT day to start off the school year. Plus Daddy was beside himself as to know what to do with his time. I guess maybe I need to put a Honey to do list together for him so he is not so bored .

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